Director of IPO KFU took part in a meeting of the Expert Council under the State Duma Committee on Education and Science

The first meeting of the Expert Council on State Regulation of Educational Activities at the State Duma Committee on Education and Science was held in Moscow.

Its participants: rectors and vice-rectors of Russian universities, heads of federal and regional ministries and departments, representatives of the deputy corps, expert and public organizations, employers – representatives of almost all the main state and public structures responsible for the development of the domestic system of ensuring and guaranteeing the quality of education. The Director of the Institute of Psychology and Education of KFU Aidar Kalimullin took part in the work of the Expert Council.

On June 17, 2019, it was decided to create an Expert Council on the issues of state regulation of educational activities at the State Duma Committee on Education and Science. The curator appointed member of the State Duma Committee Mikhail Berulava. The rector of Kazan Federal University, academician, doctor of economic sciences Ilshat Gafurov was approved by the deputy chairman of the Expert Council. Aidar Kalimullin, Director of the Institute of Psychology and Education of KFU, became a member of the Expert Council.

At the first meeting of the Expert Council on State Regulation of Educational Activities under the Committee on Education and Science of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on September 30 in Moscow, a discussion was held on the agenda of Rosobrnadzor’s activities to prevent violations of mandatory requirements of the Russian legislation. The keynote speaker was Natalia Naumova, Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science.

So, in 2018, Rosobrnadzor carried out 442 inspections. 161 cases of an administrative offense were opened, 187 orders to eliminate violations were issued to educational organizations. At present, personal accounts have been developed for the founders of educational institutions, where they can familiarize themselves with the results of the monitoring of Rosobrnadzor by their organization.

The second issue on the agenda was the discussion of the features of the implementation of educational activities in scientific organizations, taking into account the bill “On scientific, scientific, technical and innovative activities in the Russian Federation.” Federal law, according to the speaker E. Shadrina, over the past 20 years has lost its decisive role and key importance. The members of the Expert Council presented their thoughts on the Draft Law – 11 responses from 13 members of the Expert Council noted both advantages and comments that were substantive and technical in nature. A.M. Kalimullin also participated in the debate and drew the attention of experts to the absence of a number of fundamental concepts in the Draft Law.

Summing up, experts agreed that Russian science needs a new modern law, according to which science should become the most important institution for the development of the country, an independent branch of the economy that ensures the innovative development of Russia.

The next meeting of the Expert Council is scheduled for December. The questions on quality control of higher education and the procedure for state accreditation of educational activities, on the expansion of the powers of the supervisory boards of state autonomous organizations of higher education, on the examination of textbooks included in the list of basic educational literature by higher education organizations will be brought up for discussion.