Scholars have examined the impact of changes in public policies on teacher education in Russia and England over the past 40 years.
The article titled ‘A tale of two countries – forty years on: politics and teacher education in Russia and England’ was published in the latest volume of a high-ranked journal ‘European Journal of Teacher Education’. The article presents the results of a joint study of Kazan Federal University and Oxford University. The authors of this paper are director of the Institute of Psychology and Education, Aidar Kalimullin, deputy director for International Relations, Roza Valeeva, professor of Teacher Education at the University of Oxford, Ian Menter.
Ian Menter is a supervisor of comparative studies in pedagogical education in countries worldwide, namely, the UK, Russia, the USA, Ireland, Australia, Israel, Japan, and South Korea. Former President of BERA, Ian is one of the leading scholars in the field of teacher education in Europe. According to his opinion, one of the main features of teacher education in Russia is its focus on psychology. This is particularly evident if we look at the Institute of Psychology and Education, where pedagogy and psychology are integrated into teacher education. Another distinguishing feature of teacher education in Russia is its long history, especially when compared to England.
Roza Valeeva claims that the relationships between politics and teacher education have become increasingly close over recent decades in many contexts around the world. She further explains that the article is aimed to examine how changes in public policies in both countries influenced teacher education practices.
The further research of an international team of scholars would be aimed at investigating effective approaches to teacher education, with a special focus on a historical contexts and theoretical and empirical works. It is intended to publish an article in a British independent, worldwide publishing house Bloomsbury Publishing PLC.