Psychologists KFU advice on how to minimize “syndrome September 1”

The beginning of the school year is a nervous event, and stress is predictable, expected and, nevertheless, almost inevitable. The experts of Kazan Federal University: associate Professor of chair of preschool and primary education of Suimbike Bichurina and associate Professor of speech and clinical psychology Institute of psychology and education Tvardovskaya Alla – sure it’s a stress not only for children – in as much as it is a shock to parents.

Both “camp” experience stress, – said Alla. – And parents, relying on their own negative school experience in, and children – because of the uncertainty of what awaits them.

American psychologists, specialists of the medical University of Washington Thomas Holmes and Richard RAE, have developed a list of stressful situations associated with life changes. According to their scale, divorce is estimated at 73 points, admission or graduation at 25 points. Therefore, it is important to make the period of entry into the new environment softer.

It is worth remembering that the period of adaptation of the child to school can last from 2-3 weeks to six months. This depends on many factors: the individual characteristics of the child, the nature of relationships with others, the type of educational institution (and hence the level of complexity of the educational program) and the degree of preparedness of the child for school life.

– Adaptation – the natural state of man, manifested in the adaptation (adaptation) to the new conditions of life, new activities, new social contacts, a new social role – said Sambica Usmanovna. – The process of adaptation of the child to school can be divided into several stages, each of which has its own characteristics.

The most important indicator of a child’s satisfaction with being in school is his emotional state, which is closely related to the effectiveness of educational activities, affects the assimilation of school norms of behavior, the success of social contacts and ultimately the formation of the internal position of the student.

According to A. Tvardovskaya, first of all, speaking about helping preschoolers or first-graders, the teacher can spend familiarity with the rules of school life, excursions, emotional acceptance of each child with their questions. But parents should not stay away.

– At home, be sure to monitor the activity time of the child. In addition, due to worries about conflicts with classmates, fear due to the inability to Express their thoughts, the child may have problems at the physiological level: nausea, vomiting, dizziness. To this need to seriously home, too, very closely.

No sooner had the preschooler to change status to student, as it is already trying to record all possible circles and sections. However, according to experts, it is not necessary to hurry with this.

– Studies in the first grade discharged the learning process – only begin with the second class ask homework to grade. Therefore, from the point of view of parents, first-graders “loaf”. But it is better not to rush with additional types of education-you can enroll in them from February or March, when the child is fully adapted to school.

Associate Professor IPO CFU S. Bichurina offers parents in the first weeks of first-grader at school to help the child to believe in themselves, in their strength and capabilities.

– Show interest in the school, the class in which the child learns. Very useful baby just listen. Do not criticize your baby, even if he writes badly, slowly believes sloppy. Criticism, especially in front of strangers, will only increase his problems.

Consider the temperament of your child during the period of adaptation to school. Encourage your child not only for academic success.

Any moral stimulation, words of support from adults help the child to feel significant in this or that activity.

Never compare a child with anyone — this will either lead to increased pride or envy and a drop in self-esteem. You can only compare your child’s new successes with his previous achievements.

And remember that children’s problems are not easier than adults. Conflict with a teacher or peer on emotional stress and consequences can be more severe than the conflict of an adult family member with the boss at work.

It happens that an exemplary student and obedient child suddenly on the eve of September 1 declares that he does not want to go to school. The reasons for this, according to CFU experts, can be many.

– This is the lack of a cohesive team, and inharmonious relationships with classmates, and conflicts with teachers or peers, and the lack of friends among classmates. Active children find it hard to sit in one place for a long time. Sitting motionless, especially if there is a hard – headed teacher in the classroom, is torture for them. But slow and difficult to get used to the school rhythm. So they resist the onset of school time.

Children during the school year are very tired of the noise and load, from what psychologists call ” excessive psycho-emotional stress.” According to experts, returning to school is associated with children and adolescents with the fact that “everyone wants something”from him.

The reason for the reluctance to go to school can be too authoritative parent – excessive pressure can make students nervous and unsure of their abilities.

– The expectations of the parent about success are much higher than the real possibilities of the child, and the student avoids unpleasant moments that show that he, in the opinion of parents, is unsuccessful.

Some children will become neurotic and assessments will become an end in themselves, but we understand that evaluation is not the real purpose of learning. And others may, on the contrary, begin to ignore the study to some extent, as they will perceive high academic performance as something extremely difficult or even unattainable for them, if they really are not excellent students. The second option is more suitable for high school students, – explained the psychologist CFU.

In addition, the labels of “loser”, “stupid” or “incapable” person can be permanently fixed in the mind of the student.

Summarizing the above, it is worth remembering that the school is the area of responsibility of the child. It is definitely not necessary to sit with him for lessons (unless, of course, he does not ask for it). No need to swear about grades, yell and demand that he finally came to his senses. 11 years of school life will fly by so fast you won’t have time to blink. And the relationship with the child, which is just for life, can deteriorate forever. ⠀