KFU scientists conducted a study on the effectiveness of using the Smart University platform from MTS

The target audience for the study of the effectiveness of using the online education platform was students of the 9th and 10th grades of Lyceum. N.I. Lobachevsky Federal University.
Thanks to the study, Nadezhda Telegina, associate professor of the Department of Pedagogy of the Higher School of Higher Education at KFU, found out how the educational results of students in grades 9 in English and in tenth graders in mathematics improved as a result of using the online university platform of Smart University of MTS Corporate University.Recall that in 2018 MTS announced its entry into the distance education market – the company launched the Smart University educational platform. Her direction was the preparation of students for the exam in the English language and mathematics.

The platform offers a personalized program that is developed individually for each student using a special algorithm that takes into account the level of knowledge, available class time and the score that the student plans to receive at the exam. The program materials were developed by leading experts in the field of the unified state exam and comply with the actual examination tasks and the requirements of the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI). The educational platform was created by employees of the MTS Group.

The Russian market of online technologies in the field of education is just emerging, and the leadership of MTS to launch new programs of a corporate university required a scientific justification for the demand for distance learning, based on an individual approach.

The effectiveness of using the Smart University online education platform in preparing for the Main State Exam (English) and the Unified State Exam (Mathematics) was assessed by researchers from the Institute of Psychology and Education (N. Telegin) and Lyceum named after N. Ilobachevsky of KFU (E. Kirsanova and O .Dunaeva).

In accordance with the goal, the scientists formulated the objectives of the study: to select students of the Lyceum. N.I. Lobachevsky KFU in the experimental group, to measure their knowledge of mathematics and English before and after completing the course and conduct a survey.

– In order to describe in detail their experience using the online education platform, an in-depth interview consisting of three blocks was conducted with students. The first block “On the interface as part of the lesson on the Smart University platform” contains open questions about the interface of the Smart University platform. The second block “On the platform of the Smart University” contains open questions about the usability of the Smart University platform. The third block “Communication with the teacher” contains open questions about interaction, communication with the teacher, about the stages of the lesson, about the structure of homework, ”explained Nadezhda Telegin.

Based on the results of the study, a KFU expert concluded that as a result of training on the Smart University platform, an increase in educational results is observed.

– 60% of students gave an increase in the educational result for the total total score for learning English. Also, there is an increase in educational knowledge among students who have studied using the online platform and in mathematics: all students of the 10th grade have, to one degree or another, an increase in educational results. The largest relative increase in the educational result (individual educational increase) was 62.5%, the smallest relative increase was 14.3%, the scientist IPO KFU shared only a small result of the study.

The results of the study were considered by the management of MTS as a guide to action.

“An online educational service is an important part of the strategy of the MTS group in the field of developing new digital services,” comments Vladimir Khrenkov, Director for Innovative Development of MTS. – Therefore, we plan to actively expand the project on the development of services in the field of online education both in terms of a set of training programs and in terms of available functionality.