A great number of international scholars and researchers will take part in the regional forum that will be held in collaboration with ISATT.
At the conference in Salamanca in 2017 Maria Flores, the head of ISATT suggested that a regional forum should take place at Kazan Federal University. Maria Flores emphasized that international scientific world is interested in a unique modernization of teacher education program that is being implemented at KFU within StrAU “Teacher 21”.
The conference is also unique in the sense that it will be a part of the IFTE forum that will also take place in May 2018. The forum will gather scholars from the USA, the UK, Ireland, Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Turkey, China, Armenia and many other countries. The key speakers of the conferences are scientists and educators from universities of Oxford, Glasgow, Dresden, Miami, Giessen, Ljubljana and other world top universities.
Both the forum IFTE and the conference ISATT will contribute to KFU’s recognition in the education world.