Leading world experts discuss at KFU topical issues on teacher training

Today on May 23, III International Forum on Teacher Education has been launched. The best specialists in the field of teacher education from 36 countries of the world and 30 regions of Russia gathered in UNICS. The opening ceremony was attended by the rector of KFU Ilshat Gafurov, the member of the Federation Council Oleg Morozov, and the minister of education and science of the Republic of Tatarstan Engel Fattakhov. The honored guests admitted the importance of teacher education modernization. One of keynote speakers, the President of EERA Theo Wubbels stated the need for the formation of a global educational space so that the qualifications and values ​​of teachers around the world could meet the common challenges of our time.

Great attention was paid to strengthening of international cooperation on this and other topical issues of the industry. The Rector thanked foreign guests of the forum among which are the leading scientists of the universities of Oxford, Glasgow, Dresden, Miami and many others – as well as foreign colleagues actively involved in the global projects of KFU on the modernization of teacher training.

The main work of the forum will be at the Institute of psychology and education KFU and will be divided into three international conferences: continuous pedagogical education in the modern world: from research to efficient solutions (May 23), socio-stable and safe environment for children: psychology and pedagogy of non-violence in family and in school (May 24), transnational and regional adaptation of child migrants: current practice and models of socio-cultural and psycho-pedagogical integration (May 25).